Pro AV Catalog


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Event Information

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for TesiraFORTÉ training.

Continuing Education: 8 AVIXA (InfoComm) RUs CTS/CTS-D/CTS-I

Time to Complete (approx.): 5-8 hours

Course Details
Upon completion of TesiraFORTÉ certification, attendees will have a better understanding of the following:

  • All of TesiraFORTÉ's features and concepts using the default configuration files that ship with each device
  • Tesira software, including tips and tricks on how to label and draw lines quickly (reducing your programming time)
  • Considerations for audio system commissioning
  • Why conference systems need AEC
  • The basics of AVB, the Ethernet technology that serves as Tesira's audio backbone
  • How to program a multiple TesiraFORTÉ system and add Tesira expanders