Pro AV Catalog
DeSisti Lighting - Soft LED 2
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100W LED Softlight

Model: Soft LED 2

  • Controlled Beam and SOFT White Source, ideal for multiple camera use in the studio, with more effective control of the beam projection and effective Honeycombs
  • Producing SOFT SHADOWS
  • With a beautiful EVEN DISTRIBUTION and a real quality projection with precise reference white
  • No pixel effect from the LED (which is a problem from many other Brand’s LED PANELS in the market)
  • Contained Size, reduced weight and exceptional efficiency for energy savings and lit Talent comfort
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Product Info
This innovative Remote Phosphors 100W LED SOFTLIGHT, with its COLOR RENDERING INDEX – CRI higher than 5 for the Tungsten CCT and Higher than 91 for the Daylight CCT, provides a smooth and soft shadow projecting beam, yet within a controlled field that makes it ideal for multiple camera set ups. In fact, differently from typical LED PANELS with multiple LEDs, the DE SISTI SOFT LED is a single Surface emitter with an optimized optics to produces multidirectional light emission and reflection, yet within a field that can be contained and controlled by means of the various honeycombs and intensifiers made available.
  • Controlled Beam and SOFT White Source, ideal for multiple camera use in the studio, with more effective control of the beam projection and effective Honeycombs
  • Producing SOFT SHADOWS
  • With a beautiful EVEN DISTRIBUTION and a real quality projection with precise reference white
  • No pixel effect from the LED (which is a problem from many other Brand’s LED PANELS in the market)
  • Contained Size, reduced weight and exceptional efficiency for energy savings and lit Talent comfort
  • Choice of Manual or Pole operation, the full dimming is through DMX and the LEDs are supplied with DC throughout the 0 to 100% dimming range, for a full FLICKER FREE operation and super smooth cross fades.
  • Unit is self contained and requires no other external power supplies or devices both Mains and DMX connections are DAISY Chain Cable
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